In the Shadows of Children

In the Shadows of Children - Alan Ryker

Aaron has returned home after his mothers death, to settle up her affairs and sort through his childhood home and get it ready to sell. Once he's there he begins to relive the terrors he experienced as a child when something emerges from his bedroom cupboard.

Ryker again explores light and dark in this read and it reminded me a little of his novella Nightmare Man. This time he taps into childhood fears of monsters hiding in shadows, who only appear when it's dark and you are alone.

To be honest it didn't really engage me much at the start, I found Aaron a hard character to sympathise with but as the read continued I started to warm up to him. His brothers childhood disappearance created a great emotional storyline and helped to flesh out Aaron and add depth to the read.

There were some nice creepy scenes in the story but it was the ending that stood out for me, very effective.
