Broken Chain by Lisa von Biela

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Outbreaks of violence are happening all over America, farm animals are mysteriously dying and all meat and dairy products are rotting well before their sell by date.
The CDC sends Kyle Sommers to investigate the issue and he finds that GMO crops used to feed the livestock is to blame. The effects of this discovery are devastating to the food chain and have far reaching effects not only to peoples livelihoods but to their existence as malnutrition and death become a daily occurrence due to food shortages.
The story is told from several characters viewpoints, the most engaging for me was the farmers perspective and how they were trying to survive. A vegetarian character was supposed to be sympathetic but came across as smug and annoying. On the whole most of the characters were difficult to connect to and characterisation was done superficially. The fact that the chapters were so short didn't help with this as it felt as the story was jumping around a lot. On the plus side the short chapters made this a very easy, well paced read and one that once you started reading it, was difficult to put down. I did find though that when I did stop reading, I didn't feel a big push to get back to it.
I loved the premise and the author seems to be very good at interweaving the science of the subject into her story. This really just needed stronger characterisation and perhaps less characters so that the reader can focus a bit more on the central story, some of the plot lines didn't really end up going anywhere and could probably have been left out without compromising the storyline.
Pretty enjoyable and I would recommend this especially to people who like medical thrillers.