My Top Ten Reads of 2015

The Hunger Games - Suzanne  Collins The Walking Dead, Compendium 1 - Cliff Rathburn, Charlie Adlard, Tony Moore, Robert Kirkman Dead of Winter - Brian Moreland Fevre Dream - George R.R. Martin Speaks the Nightbird - Robert R. McCammon Locke & Key (Full cast audio) - Joe Hill The Boys, Definitive Edition I - Garth Ennis Seed - Lisa Heathfield The Walls Around Us - Nova Ren Suma By Brian K. Vaughan Saga Deluxe Edition Volume 1 HC (De Luxe edition) [Hardcover] - Brian K. Vaughan


2015 was a pretty productive year, although it felt at times I wasn't getting much reading done I still managed to blast through my yearly goal of 150 with an end of year total of 235.


This is probably due to my graphic novel addiction which took over most of my reading last year. The break down of what I read was:


Novels/novellas/shorts - 101

Audio - 6

Graphic novel/issues - 128


I was also lucky enough to have 32 5* reads and an amazing 135 books that score 4/4.5*. Only 7 books out of 235 scored 2.5* or less, overall an amazing year and probably down to the fact that I read a lot of books that are recommended through BL and GR friends. You guys always steer me right.



Here is my Top 10


The Hunger Games - Suzanne  Collins  


Finally read this and get what the fuss is about now, dystopian themes with a kick ass female character. Loved it.


The Walking Dead, Compendium 1 - Cliff Rathburn,Charlie Adlard,Tony Moore,Robert Kirkman 


The same as the TV series in a lot of ways but so different, not better, just different. Even with the b&w art, which I'm not a fan of, I still thought it was amazing.


Dead of Winter - Brian Moreland 


Serial killers, cannibals, native indian mythology and demons, in another author's hands this could have been a hot mess but Moreland keeps all the threads of the story taut and pushes it to a fantastic ending.


Fevre Dream - George R.R. Martin 


There are some books that you just don't want to finish, your heart breaks that you have come to the end of your adventure within the world you've become immersed in. It's a rare book that pulls me in this way and makes me care so much about the characters.

Abner Marsh will stay with me for many, many years. *sniffs and wipes away tear*


Speaks the Nightbird - Robert R. McCammon 


A tightly woven mystery with a young clerk and an accused witch. Compelling and wonderfully written with amazing characters and an engaging historical setting.


Locke & Key (Full cast audio) - Joe Hill 


I listened to this whilst re-reading the comics and couldn't believe how much of the story I had missed. This was my favourite audio book this year, the fact that it was free was just the cherry on top.


The Boys, Definitive Edition I - Garth Ennis 


Superheros are a bunch of arseholes, the government has a special group to watch over them and make sure they don't cross over too many lines.

This is so many things; offensive, rude, violent, sexist, crass but I still loved it!


Seed - Lisa Heathfield 


A cult community as seen through the innocent eyes of Pearl. When new members arrive her perspective starts to change. Wonderfully written, the author gives the main character an authentic voice but still manages to show readers the true nature of the community.


The Walls Around Us - Nova Ren Suma 


A story told from 2 perspectives; Violet, a spoiled ballerina and Amber, a young inmate in a juvenile detention centre. Their story revolves around Ori, a friend of Violets who is sent to Amber's detention centre after an incident. Slowly unraveling story that makes you want to keep turning the pages, beautifully written and heartbreaking.


By Brian K. Vaughan Saga Deluxe Edition Volume 1 HC (De Luxe edition) [Hardcover] - Brian K. Vaughan 


Wonderfully diverse tale of forbidden love, families, intergalactic war and it has some amazing art to go along with it.



There you go, another year down and the start of another.

Wishing all my BL friends a great 2016.