Island of the Forbidden

Island of the Forbidden - Hunter Shea

*Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.*

Ormsby Island has a dark and violent history, the Harper family decide that it's the perfect place to set up home. They are fully aware of it's troubled past and seek out professionals to release the restless spirits of the dead who still inhabit the island. Jessica and Eddie are hired to use their gifts to put the island at peace however once lured there they become aware of the Harpers true intentions but stay to protect the Harper children who are also blessed with some psychic gifts and are a beacon for the groups of spirits called The Last Children.

The Harpers get rich scheme involving another gifted but arrogant psychic soon gives everyone getting much more than they bargained for.

I wasn't aware that this was the third book of a series but it didn't matter much as this was a perfect standalone read. The writing is easily engaging and whilst no one character jumps out at you the author managed to write 5 or 6 characters that you can easily engage with. Eddie was probably my favourite character, so broken after his last paranormal experience that his gift has become muddled. His journey on the island was the most interesting as he began to reconnect with his power. Nina, the arrogant psychic as also great fun in a love to hate kind of way.

The story itself is built up slowly which I think really helped me to connect with the characters more. The ghost story aspect was enjoyable although it wasn't that creepy or frightening, it certainly kept me turning the pages.

A well written paranormal story with nicely fleshed out characters. My first read by Hunter Shea and one that will have me seeking out more of his work.