24 Festive Tasks: Door 5 Veterans/Armistice Day





hosted by Murder by Death, Themis-Athena, and Moonlight Snow







Task 1:  Using book covers (real or virtual), create a close approximation of your country’s flag (either of residence or birth), OR a close approximation of a poppy.  Take a pic of your efforts and post.


The St Andrews Cross (Scotland)



Task 2: Make an offer of peace (letter, gift, whatever) to a book character who has particularly annoyed you this year.


Dear Katniss,


I understand you've had a tough time of it what with poverty, starvation, having to partake in barbaric games for the enjoyment of the elite. This year I read about your adventures to capture the capital and whilst I greatly admired your bravery I do think you need to remember that it's not all about you.

You're not responsible for every little thing that goes wrong in peoples lives, they have choices the same as you so please stop beating yourself up when someones choices prove fatal. People have a right to fight for what they believe in, you can't take that away from them.

I hope you have a peaceful life with Peeta and your children, you both deserve it.



Task 3: Tell us: What author’s books would you consider yourself a veteran of (i.e., by which author have you read particularly many books – or maybe even all of them)?


I've read 45 James Patterson books, I don't think this makes me a veteran of him however as I stopped appreciating his work a number of years ago. I still have a few of his books on my shelf but I won't be following any more of his series or reading anything of his I don't own. 

Richard Laymon and Garth Ennis are tied at 37 books, this I am much happier about. I love Richard Laymon and was a huge fan of his work, there's not much of his I haven't read.



Task 4: Treat yourself to a slice of poppy seedcake and post a photo. If you want to make it yourself, try out this recipe: https://tastesbetterfromscratch.com/poppy-seed-cake/ … or this one: https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/1629633/lemon-and-poppy-seed-cake


Pass on this, not a fan of poppy cake.


Book:  Read any book involving wars, battles, where characters are active military or veterans, or with poppies on the cover.



4* read 4/12


4 points earned for Door 5


Total = 25