24 Festive Tasks: Door 4 Diwali



hosted by Murder by Death, Themis-Athena, and Moonlight Madness




Task 1:  Share a picture of your favorite light display.


I love it when there's thunder and lightning, there's something comforting being all cosy inside whilst there's thunderstorms outside.



Task 2:  Cleaning is a big part of this holiday; choose one of your shelves, real or virtual, and tidy / organise it.  Give us the before and after photos.  OR Tidy up 5 of the books on your BookLikes shelves by adding the CORRECT cover, and/or any other missing information. (If in doubt, see here: http://jenn.booklikes.com/post/1782687/state-of-the-database-booklikes-database-halloween-bingo-and-a-mini-rant-with-pictures).








I’m not convinced it’s any better but I’ll go with it for just now.


Task 3: Eating sweets is also a big part of Diwali. Either select a recipe for a traditional sweet, or make a family favorite and share a picture with us.


Peanut butter truffles


200g milk chocolate

100ml double cream

3 tablespoons crunchy peanut butter

Salted peanuts (crushed)


Slowly melt chocolate and cream over a low heat.

When melted, take off the heat and add the peanut butter until thoroughly mixed.

Put mixture into a plastic container and put into freezer for 30-60 mins.

Remove from container and cut into squares.

Coat truffles in crushed peanuts.



Task 4: During Diwali, people pray to the goddess Lakhshmi, who is typically depicted as a beautiful young woman holding a lotus flower. Find 5 books on your shelves (either physical or virtual) whose covers show a young woman holding a flower and share their cover images.


Whilst I browsed through my book titles such as Genital Grinder and Hellspawn, it dawned on me that I don't have many covers depicting ladies with flowers. Still, I just managed to scrape these 5.



Book: Read a book with candles on the cover or the word “candle” or “light” in the title; OR a book that is the latest in a series; OR set in India; OR any non-fiction book that is ‘illuminating’ (Diwali is Sanskrit for light/knowledge and row, line or series)kk



4* read 19/11.


5 points earned for Door 4

Total = 11