24 Festive Tasks: Door 6 International Day of Tolerance





hosted by Murder by Death, Themis-Athena, and Moonlight Snow





Task 1:  Find some redeeming quality in the book you liked least this year and post about it.


There’s a Giant Trapdoor Spider Under Your Bed - Edgar Cantero   


At only 24 pages you were thankfully a very short read.


Task 2: Tell us: What are the tropes (up to 5) that you are not willing to live with in any book (i.e., which are absolutely beyond your capacity for tolerance) and which make that book an automatic DNF for you? (Insta-love? Love triangles? First person present narrative voice? Talking animals? The dog dies? What else?)


I have only DNF'd one book and that was 1001 Arabian nights. It was so boring and just felt that it was repeating itself for a lot of the stories. 

The tropes that make me cringe would be people who are TSTL, Mary Sues and inadequate world building. 

Characters who make stupid decisions and put their lives at risk for no reason, characters that are too perfect but somehow don't know how perfect they are and authors who can't be bothered to flesh out their books with details that give readers a proper vision where the book is based. In the case of a book I recently read, the author made up a fake alien language, it was laughable and distracting and just came off as lazy.


Task 3: The International Day for Tolerance is a holiday declared by an international organization (UNESCO). Create a charter (humorous, serious, whatever strikes your fancy) for an international organization of readers.



Task 4: UNESCO is based in Paris. Paris is known for its pastries and its breads: Either find a baker that specializes in pastries and bring home an assortment for your family, or make your own pastries using real butter and share a photo with us.


Skipping this, I've put on a few pounds and shouldn't even be looking at pastries much less buying and eating them.


Book:  Read any fiction/non-fiction about tolerance or a book that’s outside your normal comfort zone.  (Tolerance can encompass anything you generally struggle with, be it sentient or not.) OR Read a book set in Paris.


Under Different Stars - Amy A. Bartol 


3* read 1/12


A lot of romance in this book which is not really my thing.


4 points earned for Door 6


Total = 21