24 Festive Tasks: Door 18 Winter Solstice / Yuletide
hosted by Murder by Death, Themis-Athena, and Moonlight Snow
Task 1: Bibliomancy: Grab one of your larger books and flip to the indicated page and line number to answer the following questions - then post those answers for us:
Will I read all the books on my TBR?
(page 378, line 29)
'an APC to go meet directly with the chief of staff of the RGF. I had no'
I'm not sure what to make of this but it's 100% unlikely I will read the 1361 books that are currently on my TBR so that's a bit fat NO.
Will any of my 2019 reads be 5 stars?
(page 227, line 31)
'made our way back to RGF headquarters. There were no new check-'
Again too obscure but I'm a star slut so I"m betting there'll be more than a few 5* reads for me.
Will I discover a new favorite book / author / series?
(page 309, line 23)
'the loss of KIBAT and to thank him for leaving us with Belgian equip-'
I'm getting a more positive vibe from this line so I"m going to say yes.
Will I discover that a major twist (hopefully, for the [even] better) has occurred in one of my favorite series?
(page 459, line 16)
'ism. The question did remain: Which man best expressed Turquoise's'
I going to say no for this one.
Will I finish all of my reading challenges in 2019?
(page 69, line 7)
'own officers, they treated all others in the RGF, and even myself, with'
Nothing from this line gives an answer but I'm fairly positive I'll finish my reading goals.
Will I stay within my book budget in 2019?
(page 98, line 5)
'elected governments, headed by a Hutu moderate, had been toppled by'
I think that'll be a no, I never give myself a book budget anyway just buy what I need although this year has been a lot less than previous years.
Task 2: Tell us: What book did you read this year that felt like it was never going to end?
Some of the shorter books I read this year felt like they were never ending and I couldn't finish them fast enough to be done with them.
This was only 40 pages but felt like 400. Couldn't get through it fast enough.
Task 3: Round up a herd of reindeer on book covers and in book illustrations.
Task 4: Treat yourself to a bûche de Noel (French Yule log cake) – if you want to try and make it yourself, see recipe here: https://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/buche-de-noel-recipe.
Pass on this, I'm too stuffed full of other food to even think about adding log cake into the mix.
Book: Any book that takes place in December or with ice or snow on the cover, revolving around the (summer or winter) equinox, or a collection of poetry by Hafez
3* read 26/12
4 points earned for Door 18
Total - 75