A Christmas Horror Story by Sebastian Gregory

A Christmas Horror Story - Sebastian Gregory

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Awaiting their mother to come home on Christmas eve, Katy, Jake and Emily are visited by something that is definitely not Santa Claus. Der Kinderfresser or the Child Eater, has terrorised children for centuries and is looking to make a meal out of the children before Christmas Day.

This read really surprised me, I was expecting some cutesy pie Christmas story but what I got was a nasty little slice of xmas horror that was creepy and very unsettling.

The mythology of the child eater was done really well, the author using stories from different time periods to create menace and give some background to the monster.

Katie, Emily and Jake are extremely likeable and you really root for them to escape the monsters clutches. The author did a great job in creating such believable characters in such a short read.

I would highly recommend this read and am very interested in picking up some more work from this author.




Apparently a child eater looks something like this