24 Tasks of the Festive Season - Door 1


hosted by Murder by Death, Themis-Athena, and Moonlight Madness


Thanks to the peeps mentioned above for hosting the festive book bingo. I don't know that I'll be doing much of the tasks themselves but I'm going to try and get through as many of the books as possible. 


Here's my marker for the completed doors.





Dia de los Muertos 



Tasks and Book


Task 1:  Write a silly poem or limerick poking fun at the fiction character of your choice.


Pass - not a fan of poetry.


Task 2:  Share your favorite gravestone epitaph (you know you have one).



All about Eve is a favourite of mine, apparently the director said this about Davis.




Task 3:  Create an altar (either digital or physical) for your favorite book, series, or book character, and post a picture of it.  Inclusion of book cover encouraged.


Pass on this.


Task 4: If you like Mexican food, treat yourself to your favorite dish and share a photo of it.


Pass on this for just now.


Book:  Re-read an old favorite from a now-deceased author, a book from a finished (dead) series, or a book set in Mexico.



Just finished the final instalment of the series. (4*)



2 points earned for Door 1

Total = 2